0xBitcoin (0XBTC) - BTC

Ƀ 0.00000316
6 months ago
Market cap.
Ƀ 66.39
Vol 24h
0XBTC 0 (Ƀ 0)
Low/High 24h
Ƀ 0.00000313 - Ƀ 0.00000319
Open 24h
Ƀ 0.00000314

0xBitcoin is a mineable ERC20 token used as a medium of exchange. 0xBTC is a faithful implementation of Bitcoin as a trustless, immutable Ethereum smart contract. It is not a fork. It combines the Bitcoin properties of block rewards, proof-of-work issuance, and a 21 million coin cap with the Ethereum properties of speed, DApps, and DEX trading.

0xBitcoin is not affiliated with either Bitcoin or Ethereum. It is an independent project with a decentralized development community.

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