DeSpace Protocol (DES) - JPY

¥ 0.1331
2 min ago
Market cap.
¥ 0
Vol 24h
DES 15,418,861.6 (¥ 2,052,898.0)
Low/High 24h
¥ 0.1275 - ¥ 0.1436
Open 24h
¥ 0.1377

DeSpace is a decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFT navigation platform, aiming to solve the problem users currently experience with accessing and using multiple decentralized exchanges and other DeFi solutions by giving users a single interface from which to use multiple DeFi and NFT platforms. DeSpace is powered by DeChain which is a layer 2 blockchain solution compatible with multiple layer blockchain solutions powering the DeFi and NFT ecosystems. DeSpace's blockchain - DeChain is a decentralized proof of transaction and delegated proof of stake (DPoTS) consensus protocol which is designed to allow users to mine DES coin while they execute a series of DeFi and NFT transactions on the protocol.

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