Kadena (KDA) - USD

$ 0.8676
Just now
Market cap.
$ 237.47 M
Vol 24h
KDA 2,315,320.3 ($ 2,008,742.0)
Low/High 24h
$ 0.8515 - $ 0.8842
Open 24h
$ 0.8771

KDA is a digital currency that is used to pay for compute on the Kadena public chain. Similar to ETH on Ethereum, KDA on Kadena is the manner by which miners are compensated for mining blocks on the network and is the transaction fee that users pay in order to have their transactions included in a block.

The Kadena network is designed to unite public applications, private blockchains, and other interoperable chains in one place, driving traffic to the high-bandwidth computer at the heart of the Kadena public chain.

Kadena’s smart contracts are written in Pact, an open-source, formally-verifiable, human-readable, and Turing-incomplete language. Pact is designed for ease of use and adoption by developers and non-technical professionals alike. Gas is paid to the network for the execution of Pact smart contracts on the Kadena blockchain.

The max supply is fixed at 1 billion tokens to be mined over 120 years.

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