TOP Network (TOPN) - USD

$ 0.0002290
Just now
Market cap.
$ 4.23 M
Vol 24h
TOPN 4,884,272,434.7 ($ 1,118,695.3)
Low/High 24h
$ 0.0002120 - $ 0.0002321
Open 24h
$ 0.0002200

TOP Network is a decentralized open communication network that provides cloud communication services on the blockchain. TOP offers secure, low-cost services such as messaging, calling, video, VPN, CDN, IoT data sharing and more.
TOP Network is also a public blockchain platform designed to handle real-world businesses of any size or volume. Powered by innovations including three-layer network, two-layer sharding, two-layer lattice DAG and PBFT-DPoS*, TOP can process several hundred thousand transactions per second on the blockchain.

The official TOP Network ticker is “TOP” and trades under that name on all the exchanges where it has been listed. The designation “TOPN” is for only.

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