Tellor (TRB) - USD

$ 106.50
Just now
Market cap.
$ 279.85 M
Vol 24h
TRB 68,104.5 ($ 7,343,767.8)
Low/High 24h
$ 102.26 - $ 117.30
Open 24h
$ 116.20

Tellor is an oracle system where miners compete to add data points to an on-chain data bank. Aiming to create a properly incentivized system, Tellor mints a native token, “Tributes” (TRB). Miners are incentivized to submit data using inflationary rewards, and which data types they update are chosen based upon the “tips” assigned to each query. Parties holding TRB can add a “tip” to a specific data type they want updated, then every 5 minutes the Tellor smart contract groups the top five most funded data types and creates a PoW challenge for miners to solve.

The first five miners to provide the PoW solution and the five off-chain data points are rewarded with newly minted tokens + the accumulated tips for the specific data requests. In addition to the security provided by the PoW process, our main layer of security comes through a deposit of TRB that acts as a bond or stake requirement in order for miners to participate in the PoW. The miners risk losing this stake if they submit data that is successfully disputed by TRB holders.

Tellor Tributes (TRB) are the native tokens of the Tellor. They are used to incentivize miners to provide data through base rewards and tips via user requests. They are used for governing valid data through disputes, and for system upgrades proposed and voted on by token holders.

In the Tellor system, 50% of tips go to miners (⅕ to each selected miner) and 50% of the tips are burned each block. The total supply of Tellor is determined by usage and mining rates. For the maximum supply, Tellor’s supply will grow at the rate of the base reward * 288 queries per day.

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