The Web3 Project (TWEP) - USD

$ 1.34
10 months ago
Market cap.
$ 0
Vol 24h
TWEP 0 ($ 0)
Low/High 24h
$ 1.34 - $ 1.34
Open 24h
$ 1.34

The Web3 Project provides a decentralized financial asset, designed to reward users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model through the use of its Web3 Auto-Reward Protocol (WARP).

$TWEP is a BEP20 token that rewards its holders with automatic passive interest payments every 3 seconds. It is the core token of The Web3 Project. It is designed to be used as a store of value and a mean of transacting inside this ecosystem. TWEP will benefit from all the endeavours and enterprises The Web3 Project sets to accomplish, as a part of the revenue of all will be injected into its liquidity.

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