How to use the Portfolio Accounting Tool

20 Jun 2017

The accounting tab meant to help you wrap your head around your crypto finances using the basic financial statements: income statement and cash flow statement. You can keep track of your closed and open positions and all your transaction history. In this guide we show you how to use the accounting tool.

Accounting Tab


Income statement

The income statement considers the cost and revenue of your sold positions within a period, and calculates your realized profit or loss. You can add your local capital gains tax and tax-free allowance to do a quick and dirty calculation of your tax payable. This is just a helper tool and isn't meant to be a fit for all tax calculator, as different countries can have different tax regulations.

Income Statement



Cashflow statement 

The cashflow statement shows you the actual cash inflow and outflow of your account within a period. This net cashflow indicates the amount you paid or received in total. It does not take unrealized profits into consideration.  It's a great tool to keep track of your account movements and help you calculate how much cash you have available.

Cashflow Statement

All positions

The all positions tab shows the inventory of all your positions: open and closed. It gives you a quick overview of your investments and their performance.

ROI is the abbreviation for Return on Investment. Equivalent with the profit/loss in percentage value. It is calculated the following way:

ROI = (MarketValue-Investment)/Investment

RRR stands for Real Rate of Return, a metric used for comparing different investments that takes the duration of investment into account. For example a ROI of 20% in 1 month is a better performance than a ROI of 20% in 6 months, but reading the ROI one might conclude the 2 investments performed the same way. Instead, the RRR is an annualized ROI metric, therefore making investments better comparable.  In our case, we do not take inflation into account (as you might find elsewhere for the definition of RRR) and we assume continuous compounding. 

RRR = ln(MarketValue/Investment )/InvestmentPeriod




The history tab shows you the list of all your transactions: Coin, Date, Type, Amount, Price and Cash Flow of the transaction. You can sort the table by clicking on the columns. 




You can filter by Coin, Buy Currency, Sell Currency, Start and End date. The statements and position list will update accordingly.



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